everywhere at the end of time /

i was copy and pasting to tag bc i only had one hand free Hiii

anyways.. on stage 2 d3... this sounds really sweet but it also doesnt and i :[ aww :[ :] ?!?!??////??? https://twitter.com/YVMENOSAKI/status/1316825748435599360
its bittersweet i think thats a good way to put it
when it fades out the first times it feels weird n new n whtver. but then u get used to it......
everywhere at the end of time /

d4 now.. it feels like. a recap almost. a distant memory. giving up kind of ?
everywhere at the end of time /

it feels like home but not home. everything is a mess but nothing is amess. not sure how to put it. but the feeling isnt strong
everywhere at the end of time /

it felt so warm just now but now it feels foreign. feels like hesitation. almost like mourning and acceptance
everywhere at the end of time /

^^ that was d5 btw. stage three just started. the beginning was a little overwhelming as i just got used to the quiet. stage three already feels like. struggling
everywhere at the end of time /

everything is repeating and theres some low haunting drone at times. this is struggling and trying hard . something is inevitable

THAT ASIDE the music is nice but im a bit overwhelmed i thknk? might start dissociating soon um *Giggly
everywhere at the end of time /

its so messy whats happening. started getting strange ( and feeling a bit uneasy ) and then the music suddenly changed??? on stage 3 e2 now. e2 started calm but got a bit messy quick
the music is so gentle yet so. idk how to put it
this is indescribable its just happening thats all i can say
everywhere at the end of time /

it faded out and theres like.. vinyl or smth. e3 starting now. still tons of vinyl and some booming sound or smth idk
its like a basketball hitting the floor. the music is repeating
everywhere at the end of time /

next one now!! e4. sounds relatively good. i feel like i can relax but i lowkey fear the other stuff coming back. plus the slight echo makes me AAAAHSUSSGSU*SOBIGS
everywhere at the end of time /

i started dancing a bit!! then i realised just how uneasy this made me feel HEKPP.. it sounds good but it still feels abit........................
everywhere at the end of time /

e5!! Wat is this. theres just tons of sounds. i feel like i can recognise some? but im not sure. theyre just there waiting to be hear and im hearing them but What?
everywhere at the end of time /

?!??! its over?? e6 now.. the music keeps cutting through its making me a bit uneasy phew
like.. skipping. its skipping and repeating
i feel like.. Not in control? like. i cant control the skipping or anything the situation isnt inmy hands
everywhere at the end of time /

e7 is. sounds.. and vinyl
it feels weak. sweet desperate love memory distant
everywhere at the end of time /

e8 sounds familar. feel like ive heard it before tbh. its. calming
:] me happy.. me feel good :] i like this one. i feel like i can calm down and relax tbh
everywhere in the end of time /

it stopped :[ we're on f1 now. f1 is kinda gentle
everywhere in the end of time /

STAHP STOPPING EARLY!!! f2 already wow.. i like this one it sounds neat tbh
theres smth i cant describe abt this doe. its just a lil feeling
everywhere in the end of time /

feeling. hm. something isnt right. the music suddenly faded out to just a soft hum, came back and then left way to those vinyl sound things
everywhere in the end of time /

f3!! not sure how to describe tbh.. plus im tired zzzits 9pm
everywhere in the end of time /

i feel like there was a slight attempt to remember smth just before f3 ended, or smth of the like. f4 now, music is super distorted
i literally cant comment on half of this
everywhere in the end of time /

f6!! music is playing but its distant theres just a bunch of nothing keeping it far from me
guna stop this thread bc im so tired but i'll keep listening
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