How to take care of your seokjin- a thread by namjoon 🌱
Always give your seokjin a shoulder to sleep on
Always back hug your seokjin to make him happy
Always let your seokjin whisper things in your ear
Always let your seokjin hold onto your arm🥰
Always enjoy singing with your seokjin
always let your seokjin be possessive of you
Always have fun playing chase with your seokjin
Always comfort your seokjin when he gets scared of cute sea animals
Always give your seokjin piggy backs
Always give your seokjin piggy backs pt2 (i just wanted to add the pre debut picture sue me😔❤)
Always let your seokjin take care of you
Always click pictures with your seokjin 📸
always boop your Seokjin's nose and make him feel loved
Never forget to hold hands with your seokjin
Never forget to communicate with your seokjin even when there is distance between you two
Always try to put zero distance between yourself and seokjin
Always laugh with your seokjin
Always let your seokjin squish you in a hug
Again, always stay next to your seokjin
Always make your seokjin flustered ☺
Never forget to casually get lost in your seokjin's eyes👀
Lastly, never ever forget to admire and be proud of your seokjin🥰❤
Always let your seokjin take care of you🤧🤧

buy and wear matching rolex with your seokjin 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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