I love my job and I'm incredibly proud of what I do. That being said, when I stream/do any video content I always anticipate the same shitty comments and I'm angry that women have to "expect" to deal with them. I'm not afraid to call people out on their shit and I do.

(a thread)
"Oh look a girl gamer"
"Since when did women play fps games like this"
"Why isn't there a man or ___ showing us the game?"
"You suck"

Literally, today's livestream was 70% harassment and asshole comments and unfortunately that is the case on almost all my video content.
Not to mention the racist comments I get and the comments about my appearance. It is genuinely infuriating to see that my work and skill gets overshadowed by having to argue against the points that I'm a female and POC. But every time I do defend myself it's "Y u so mad?"
I'm angry because I have to even address this. Women in gaming isn't a new fucking thing. Get over yourselves. I'll call you out on your bullshit and I'll do it again EVERY DAY until you realize "oh hm maybe I am wrong"

I'm just pissed and tired of it. /endrant
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