Sometimes you can't help but feel like being totally incapable of introspection, self-reflection, understanding your own flaws and limitations or so on is actually the superpower that makes you much more likely to rise higher in politics, business, etc.
When you see the things that people get away with: decent people never do any of this stuff, because they lack the kind of blase confidence/arrogance to actually do it. They have the achilles heel of self-awareness. And so fraudsters and charlatans disproportionately rise up.
FYI this is about CEO of Nikola, Trevor Milton, who essentially faked his way into a car company worth more than Ford, pretending that he had a working hydrogen truck when really it was just filmed rolling downhill. But of course it can also apply to that guy you're thinking of
and for more on that story you can wait for this weekend when I push the episode out, or you can get it early by subscribing to the Patreon, because it is important to finish this thread about shamelessness with shameful self-promotion
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