tl;dr: bastardized astrology concepts optimized for Twitter Fun/psyop

to determine one's place, I read your posts, display name, avi, and general vibe/hints given and choose one of the slices that seems MOST representative in how you use twitter
here are brief descriptions of each slice:

gladiator - adventurous, combative, leader, outspoken, competitive
gatherer - cultivates, collects, compiles, organizes, accumulates
didactor - learns, reads, researches, retweets, connects, shares, teaches
protector - protects (go figure), cares for, sensitive, loving, nurturing
creator - builds, produces, constructs, esp. art, jokes, play, toys
corrector - fixes, asserts, corrects, articulates, explicates, refines, assists
connector - reaches out, relates, empathizes, harmonizes
gravekeepers - keep secrets, plunge depths, guard mysteries, assimilate shadows
wanderers - explore, investigate, proclaim, proselytize, share, expand, roam, etc.
directors - organize, construct, coordinate, lead, guide, facilitate
socializers - discuss, discourse, entertain, associate, refer, subtweet, introduce, collaborate
dreamers - daydream, reminisce, feel, grieve, contemplate, inspire, channel, create art
note that these are how I personally conceptualized them into these specific terms, so like while there's a lot of overlap with the signs of the zodiac they aren't the actual zodiac signs' descriptions. they are intentionally vague for max fun projection and interpretation :)
the ASPECT DOCTRINE, described here, refers to general rules of compatibility between signs which I lifted and _declared_ to work for my wheel as well.

they are angles of 60, 90, 120, and 180 from your position, or sextile/square/trine/opposition
the 3 groups of 4 refer to the astrological "quadruplicity", also known as "quality", which are one of: cardinal, fixed, and mutable which describe the general nature of consistency, elasticity, initiative, etc. of these signs

stole em for the slices
the 4 groups of 3 refer to the astrological "triplicity", or the elements: fire, water, earth, air

they get a little too specific IMO for the wheel's purpose but why the hell not
finally, I'll end all this by saying that while this lifts a lot FROM astrology, it is not astrology, although I would not be surprised if I accidentally pegged a lot of people's astro placements while placing them

this is for Fun Only, please interpret wildly and playfully :)
oh ALSO for any astros out there I'll throw out that when thinking about placement I was also pulling in the meanings of the houses to a great degree and not just the signs, kind of blended them together
You can follow @sadalsvvd.
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