Suppose I am a healthcare worker ( I did work 3 summers of university doing light housekeeping and serving meals on ward kitchens of a hospital, so I can imagine). The UCP lays me off my job and I am rehired by the new private contractor for $5/hr less and no benefits. 1/1
They also hired fewer people to do the same work. Now I work harder, but make $200/wk less and also have to budget for prescription medication, dental work or other expenses. So my spending power is reduced. $200 a week is the equivalent of my grocery budget. I still need 2/2
groceries, so what else can I cut? Eating out? Gone. A new vehicle I wanted? Not this year. Some renos for my home? Will have to wait. Tickets to an event? Too extravagant. Some new clothes my kids want but don’t exactly need? I’ll find them for cheaper or buy less. 3/3
Christmas gift budget? Will have to be cut by at least 25%. And so on. So, for the sake of getting back at the public sector, now the private sector retail, restaurant, and car dealership owners, tradespeople, etc. will make less too. 4/4
Do they think their only customers are others who work in the private sector? Will all of these people without money to spend make the price of oil go back up? Or other countries want to buy our oil? 5/5
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