Going beyond the ordinary🚀🤩

This thread will change your life in less than 5 minutes⏰

Are you ready?🤔

/// THREAD///
After you read this thread, you will understand:

- The importance of choices
- Good use of habits
- Why compounding?
- Memory is actually tricky.
- Delayed gratification > Instant gratification.
- Gain abilities/skills quicker.
- Start getting results.

Let's start!

Phase 1: MEMORY.

Memory plays an essential role in this thread, and if you do not understand it, it will trick you and turn you down.

You should control your memory, before memory controls YOU.

Let me prove you its importance, just answer these questions in your head:🧠

•What was the first thing you thought about this morning?

•What was the first thing you thought about one week ago?

•What was the first thing you thought about one month ago?

Let me guess, you answered the first one easily, the second one was harder, and the last one you had no idea, right?

Why? Simple, time consumes memory. Once you get this, lets move to phase 2.


You are currently living the outcome of the decisions and actions you took long ago.

For examples:

•You went to the gym daily for the last 2 years, the outcome of this actions and decisions, made you stronger physically in this current moment.
•If you buy a course today, the knowledge you acquire from this course, will create new outcomes for your future self.

•If you plant some seeds today, you will be able to harvest the fruit in 6/8 months from now.

You live a reality you created in the past.


Why does this happen? In short words,

*Every action you take, creates an equal and opposite reaction*

Every. Single. Action. No exceptions.

You will understand how this happens below!

2.1 Reactions & Consequences

As I said before, every action has an immediate and opposite consequence (good or bad consequence)

Let’s review the gym example to understand this better. If you go to the gym today, this are all the consequences you will get eventually:

•Your muscles will start getting stronger.

•Your strength gained, will make your fitter.

•Because you are fitter, you will be more motivated to also be healthier.

•Because you are healthier, you are going to probably live more.

And those are just SOME of all the reaction one little action can make.

An action comes from a choice, a choice come from your thoughts, that is why, a good MINDSET is needed.

Let's move to the next stage!

2.2 Habits

Every time you make an action, the more times you repeat this action, the more probability you have to this action to become a habit.

And habits are what make a person successful or broke, to succeed, first change your habits.

2.3 Ability

When you make an action once, you are doing it the best you can, but every time you repeat this action, you get at least 1% better than the last time, why? PRACTICE

Practice and you will get better, be persistent with your practice, and you will be the best at it.
2.4 Compounding

Compounding is particularly important, if you make and action right now, the memory about doing this action is clear and new, but the outcome, will not come right now.

Now that we have gone through all this concepts, let’s get this interesting!!

Review so far:✅

Memory can turn you down if you do not control it, and the outcomes you live are from past choices.

Then, every action has an equal and opposite reaction through immediate and opposite consequences, habits, ability and compounding!

When you make an action, your memory is fresh and remembers this action for the next DAYS. But the real outcomes of this action, take YEARS to come.

The results are coming years later, but by then, you won't have a good memory of the action you took years ago.

And here is the why MOST people give up very soon and do not get to far:

You remember your actions, but you haven’t gotten any results. Simple as that.

That is the why many fail creating new habits, that is why many fails in any side hustle they start.

The outcomes you are living daily right now, are from choices that you took years ago,

And the outcomes you want to live in years from now, are defined by the quality of your choices you take today.

Then why isn’t everybody taking the right the decisions to build themselves a good future?


People rather get instant gratification over delayed gratification
Everyday examples:

•You eat junk food, just because of the instant gratification it gives to you the moment you eat this food.

Meanwhile, eating healthier won’t give you any instant gratification but only delayed gratification.

•You watch Netflix, just because of the instant gratification it gives to you when you do it.

But what about learning from a course instead?

Once again, because the course will get you delayed gratification!
•You rather endless scroll through Instagram/twitter because it is simple, easy, and comfortable.

But why not stopping and start reading a book?

We all know people, or even ourselves, that been into the trap of instant gratification...

Why do we fall into the trap?

Because we live in an instant gratification society. Out stand from the crowd or stay the same, your choice.

Every little change CAUSES big change.

One (little) choice today, can become (through habits, compounding, ability & consequences) a BIG change.

Now, do you understand how your choices INFLUENCES immensely your future? Every single one of them makes a change.

Make your decisions according to your future since now on, soon you will see the results!

Thanks for taking some time to reading my thread!

Hope it was helpful!!

Any support is highly appreciated 🙏
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