The thing that drove it home for me was: cis men LIKE being men!

They might not like everything about masculinity, but at the end of the day they think being a guy is great and would not prefer to be a woman if there was a magic button they could press.
And the fact that I haven't had a bunch of cis guys replying to this saying "that isn't true!!" is proof! They LIKE BEING GUYS!
One thing that was true for me, even in the depths of my denial: the idea of transforming into a woman always had this ~energy~ around it that I can't really describe.

If you feel that, you may want to think more about your gender.
Everyone deserves room to explore and express gender as they see fit. Expression =/= gender. You can be a cis guy who wears skirts. You can be a bearded lumberjack of a trans gal.

I just spend lots of time trying to find lost trans gals because I wish someone had done it for me.
Society's default hypothesis about everyone is that they're cis, but we'd be better off if everyone got to freely question and explore their gender AND knew what being trans and closeted was ACTUALLY like.

If that exploration end five minutes later with "yup, I'm cis," cool!
I got to age 33 without knowing I was trans. I don't know how. I honestly believed I was a man. I really did. I didn't secretly always know I was a girl.

I just assumed that being trans felt different than it does. That's all.

That's why I tweet this stuff.
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