Now, listen to this. Yesterday I did a photo session of a 82 year old. Usually I only take pictures of kids and babies, but this lady called me and said she wanted to do a photo session of herself because this year because of covid she wouldn't be able to celebrate her bday (1/?)
And she loves partying and being with her family. So instead, she wanted to do the photos without anyone knowing and print them all to give their children and grandchildren on big frames on the day of her birthday as a surprise. So how could I say no to that? (2/?)
So yesterday she gets to the studio by herself, having escaping her family and not letting anyone know where she was (the DANGER! she didn't know me either!), with 8+ outfits. We did the photos and she cracked me up so much and then I drove her home (again, so trustful!) (3/?)
Now I just sent her the previews and she replied "Will you look at those, I'm so damn HOT!" 😂 May we all get to our 80's with the energy of this lady!
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