1/A follow-up thread on Nobel Prizes and Big Questions.

Branko asks: Why don't we award prizes for economists who work on the incredibly important question of how China grew so fast?

It's a very good question... https://twitter.com/BrankoMilan/status/1316573079074680834
2/Why DID China develop?

Many people who read the news think that the answer is perfectly obvious. Unfortunately, these "perfectly obvious" answers tend to be quite lacking: https://twitter.com/SnoozeButtonBen/status/1316471507812581376
5/OK, so what do we really know about why countries develop?

It IS a huge important old ongoing area of research. Many people work on it. A number of Econ Nobel prizes have been given to people who work on it.
7/Paul Krugman followed up on the model's predictions, demonstrating that high savings rates and capital accumulation could lift countries like the USSR into the middle rank of development, but not to the top.

(hold on brb)
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