fmnsts on here speak only vilely about men. sure, men partake in some of this world’s evil. but this doesn’t merit constant vilifications. this thread is meant to share how men, at their own expense, create a preferential world for women. most of whom lack capacity for gratitude.
before i delve into this, i’d like to inform men that they are not the masters of this world that they and feminists claim they are. men are slaves to their nature and supposed superiority.
without money, a peng woman can bed as many men as she pleases, & even earn incomes. minus financial fortitude, a gorgeous man still faces difficulty in bedding those whom he admires. even despite great sums of money, he needs other facilities to be the casanova he envisages.
men are known for their self rewarding tendencies & inclination to aid women. a man may repair a woman’s flat tyre without asking for pay or gratitude, assuming that his chivalry is his reward. women do not share such sentiments towards men & cant. maybe towards each other, kids.
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