1) If you've been paying attention to media for a decade or more, you'd have noticed that the hyper sexualization of society has skyrocketed. Men are taught to treat women like sexual objects and women are now taught to do the same. https://twitter.com/WellRedBrat/status/1313861275789660161
2) We all know deep inside that the RIGHT thing to do is to be with one partner and be loyal to that partner. People will disagree with that because we're conditioned to believe free-flowing sex is normal and healthy, but we all know it isn't.

Pornography fosters this.
3) Pornography addiction is a real scourge both men and women face. It's an epidemic that is never spoken about, and it destroys friendships, relationships, and marriages.

-Porn is more available than normal sex
-Pornography is more stimulating than normal Sex
4) It not only destroys how one perseon views another, but there are very serious physical and psychological issues that stem from addiction

-Sexual dysfunctions, such as erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation
-Decreased sensitivity from overstimulation
5) Physchological:
-Low self-esteem or -confidence
-Sense of shame
-Low mood or agitated mood*
-Lack of motivation
-Decreased libido
-Disinterest in sex in favor of porn
-Clouding of consciousness
6) But what scientific evidence is there for this? We're told by the media and hollywood that pornography is healthy.

Well I'm glad you asked...
15) And finally, a great article by @stillgray who points out that OnlyFans, a website dedicated to amateurs wishing to sell their bodies online, is a scourage on humanity, destroying families and young women... https://humanevents.com/2020/04/29/onlyfans-is-a-scourge/
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