@naval returned to @tferris show to talk about science, happiness, reducing anxiety, and crypto

Key Takeaways:

Sequels suck because they cost 3x as much and have less time to come up with a good idea

Loves Richard Feynman because he did science and serious work but was a character who didn’t take himself to seriously. “A full stack intellectual hacker of life”

“Believing in science” is misguided. Science doesn’t need belief. If it’s not falsifiable, it’s not science.

“If there was no truth to it, it wouldn’t hurt at all. If I said Tim Ferris is fat, that would just bounce right off of you. If I said Tim Ferris and Naval are fake gurus, that might hit us because we kind of suspect at some deep level, there’s a part of that that’s true.”

“Individuals can search for truth but groups search for consensus...The moment you make science about large groups and about voting and about consensus, you’re not really practicing science anymore.”

“In an ideal scientific world, you don’t go and survey 10,000 scientists. You pick the one smartest scientist.”

Jargon is useful when it is a compressed way of communicating knowledge. Jargon is not useful when it becomes a substitute for fundamental understanding.

“There’s no lottery here to win. The lottery is for losers. The lottery is just a tax on people who can’t do math. Get rich quick schemes are just other people getting rich off of you. There are no shortcuts.”

“I always optimize for independence. I’m lazy. I wake up at 7, 8, 9, 10am. I go to sleep at 2, 3 am. I don’t work a lot of days. Some days I work morning to night but it’s based on whatever I’m curious about. I never want to have to answer to a boss.”

“The ideal would be to make money with your mind, not your time. So if I can just make 1 good decision a year, and that makes me all the money that I need for that year, then that’s perfect. That’s the way it should be because we’re living in an age of infinite leverage...

...and your judgment just gets multiplied through this massive force multiplier: through code, capital, community, labor, what have you.”

“Pervasive non-specific anxiety comes from an unexamined life.”

“The most important relationship you have is your relationship with yourself. It’s with this voice in your head that is constantly rattling every waking hour. It’s this crazy roommate living inside your mind who’s always chattering, never shuts up.”

“What you think of as the anxiety that’s consuming you and you can’t identify the source: that’s just the tip of an iceberg poking out from underneath the water and underneath is this giant pile of garbage of decisions that are made without too much thought.”

“Proper meditation, proper examination, should ruin the life that you’re currently living. It should cause you to leave relationships. It should cause you to reestablish boundaries with family members, with colleagues. It should cause you to quit your job.”

“It should cause you to change who your friends are. If it doesn’t do that, it’s not real examination. If it doesn’t come attached with the destruction of your current life, then you can’t create the new life in which you will not have the anxiety.”

There’s no free lunch. Stable coins have 3 costs: fraud risk (does Tether have these physical dollars), censorship risk (Coinbase is regulated and will listen to the US gov), blow up risk (MKR is collateralized with BTC and ETH, drastic shift in price could collapse)

US realized 70% of the cost of printing money is borne by foreigners, so we’ll keep printing money. EUR and RMB have enough of their own problems, but we may lose reserve currency status.

“Money is just a bubble that never pops...it’s a story, it’s a consensus belief.”

“Crypto is...a global, 24-7-365 casino where anybody in the world can play.”

“Can you take a long term view on anything? Compound interest applies everywhere. It applies in relationships. It applies in money. It applies in health and fitness.”

Good hacks make the long term thinking palatable.

“Find the thing that you can do that feels like play to you but looks like work to others.”

“The best relationships, whether friendships or family or love, are the ones where you don’t have to work to hard at them.”

“Any modicum of fame that I’ve achieved, I think, is because I’m one of the few people who has been successful in business that thinks out loud in public. And because I’m willing to think out loud in public, that’s a risk that I take on, it improves my thinking.”

Apparently I do not know how to spell @tferriss
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