I have time this morning. This Opinion piece came from a place of privilege and ignorance while neglecting the situations of others.

Read the article here: https://baylorlariat.com/2020/10/14/be-wary-of-the-black-lives-matter-movement/

Here's my response (A Thread)
According to the database shared, you're right. only 30 unarmed black men died in 2019.

That's 30 too many. However you compared the murders ON black people by police to murders BY black people in general. Of course the latter will be bigger.
Analogy: a student has 100 peers & 5 teachers. The student can expect to be bullied by some peers. If only 1 teacher bullies the child, that's worse imo.

By your logic, the teacher bullying the student should be ignored because more students are bullying than the teacher.
Point being a student shouldn't expect to be bullied by a teacher who is there to protect and teach him, but rather the other students.

Similarly, it's appalling to see this entity there to serve and protect us, has (and is) killing black people at a higher rate than other races
You admit the black community has issues, yet say that BLM is not working towards those issues (i.e. black people killing each other). Murder rates have been proven to be based off of proximity more than race. Given most towns are divided (thanks redlining) this leads to black...
...people living closer to other black people and so on. The issues of the black community didn't just happen. They were formed out of YEARS of disproportionate treatment. Much longer in comparison to the time that we've legally been seen as "equal" (Civil Rights in the 60s).
Ah the ole ActBlue argument! ActBlue is for organizations what GoFundMe is for us: a funds collecting service. So when you donate, just like GFM, Act Blue takes a percentage. Your money sill goes to BLM. ActBlue uses its allocation to fund what ActBlue wants to (i.e. democrats)
Oprah, LeBron, and Obama examples of Black excellence to overcome. There's a reason they're considered 1/million.
Oprah: There's a reason there aren't more
Lebron: avg high school senior has a .03% chance of NBA (& Bron came from NOTHING)
Obama: The ONLY black US prez in history
Now to say that these athletes/oppressed...monetarily no. Cancel a game and watch some fans call them every name in the book though.

You don't have to be oppressed to fight for the oppressed. That's how change comes about.
Fatherless households do plague the black community (I'm living proof). We do need more fathers at home with their kids and families.

That's hard when black men have a 1/3 chance of being incarcerated (white men 1/17 watch "The 13th").
Oppression is not a mindset. It's a real issue many many people (especially black) face in modern day america. You can't just wake up one day and overcome the effects of slavery, Jim Crow, education quality, redlining, racism, lack of generational wealth, etc. overnight..

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