
My other half isn’t eating sugar & I’m trying to be supportive.

The other night, I tried to hide my Swedish Fish TV-watching-snack by smuggling them in my bathrobe pocket.

Turns out there’s a hole in my pocket...

I left a Hansel and Gretel path across the floor, and a couple across the couch I passed.

I had to pick up the escaped candy without outing myself.

I should’ve just come clean, but at that point it was all so ridiculous that I just couldn’t.

I thought I was in pretty good shape, but I looked at my dog, and he was chewing something.

My crazed, adrenaline-pumped brain decided a Swedish Fish could kill my dog.

Usually I can get stuff out of his mouth without a struggle, but Bravo is experiencing his first Swedish Fish and has decided he’s a BIG fan.

So I got on the floor in front of the TV, and began wrestling Bravo, who GROWLED at me.

My dog usually only growls when protecting our home from UPS and Girl Scouts, and other such shifty characters.

He’s not going to relinquish that candy.

My husband looks up from his phone, and notices that I’m on the floor wrestling the dog, blocking Game of Thrones.

Bravo swallowed the Swedish Fish & went hunting for more.

I apologized & took my seat, hoping the dog wouldn’t die.

Bravo sniffed his way to my bathrobe pocket.

The evening was spent holding my dog back from my candy, as I stuffed my face in stealth-mode.

In closing:

I’m grateful you can find Game of Thrones episode synopses online.

I learned my dog will protect Swedish Fish like family.

I also learned a single Swedish Fish will not lead to canine demise.

As usual, being sneaky never turns out well.
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