"moonchild" by RM ( @BTS_twt ): An explanatory thread-

P.s: strictly based on my interpretation.
'moonchild' is predominantly a song dedicated to all of us who are struggling to find the way out of this ever-extending labyrinth of utter darkness, misery n hopelessness, in search of light n joy amongst the same cuz light n dark co-exist: w/o light, there would be no shadow+
N vice versa, likewise if there are hard times in the present, Joon assures us of the arrival of better times in the future w hopefulness n comfort. Just like the moon finds its light from the sun, he hopes we too would find ours from the moon n yes I'm in love w his mind+
The way I see it, "moonchild" could as much be a musical monologue as it is dedicated to all of us fighting to find a way out of this blinding darkness: it could be associated to his past days when only he could comfort n motivate himself- perhaps during those days when he found+
Tranquility n comfort in the moon hours, when he could be 'himself' under the "moonlight", which essentially refers to one's innermost true self. Joon opens the song w "We're born in the moonlight, ain't no fantasy": it is an unnoticed fact that the most distressful times+
Bring out our true n vulnerable self, n more often than not, these dark chapters of our lives make us "us"- the innermost self is "born"(comes out)in the face of distressful, blinding dark, non-fantastical times, like when we finally give in n cry out our accumulated pain in the+
Darkness of a "moonlit" night, our inner, miserable self comes out as a result of the hard times we experienced, which go on to make us "us". Since it can possibly be a monologue, all of it might just apply to Joon as well cuz he uses "we"-including himself, he is not just+
Comforting us but himself too, by including himself he is expressing that he isn't much different from us, he struggles too n he is baring it (like in 'tokyo') in the hope that his scars will comfort us n vice versa n none will feel alone in their struggles. At some point, quite+
Unconsciously, we get accustomed to the continuous presence of darkness, we get stuck in the labyrinth of gloom, we become familiar to the constant struggles coming our way, we get so involved w the grief that we cannot absorb "sunlight": we subconsciously reject the idea of+
Good ever happening to us. Certain rough chapters of life expose our innermost vulnerable self but it's continuity only buries us deeper into the void that we subconsciously reject the whole prospect of smth good happening w us, hide our selves under the mask of pretence+
Plaster a smile on the faces n go on like nothing ever happened when actually there's a supernova going on inside at every sec of everyday
When we finally give in to sadness, our soul weeps, it lets down its guard n comes out to be sad n we suffer to find joy cuz happiness+
N sorrow are interdependent for survival- w/o pain n suffering, we'd never know success n mirth cuz "without pain, how would we know joy?"- a famous quote from TFIOS which I was reminded of. Two statements, depicting universal truth, having more or less the same meaning, written+
In two beautiful yet vastly different ways. I noticed a similar parallelism in 'tokyo' (which suggest how literarily aware Joon is). We are given the name "moonchild", cuz we are born in the "moonlight" n darkness is our apparent perpetual friend, n just like the moon rays+
Pierce through darkness, lighting it up, Joon hopes we evolve to do the same, w our light, hence "moonchild". The Moon has no light of its own, it reflects the light of the sun, perhaps this is indicative of how Joon wants us to reflect the glow of good times experienced in the+
Perpetual darkness of our lives n glow, just like the moon at night. He addresses us "moonchild"s, stating how our (us n joon's) lives r supposed to be filled w pain n sorrow as those are a part n parcel of our destiny, we r stuck in this labyrinth of suffering n sorrow for all+
Our lives, this maze of grief is never-ending n ever-lasting. In spite of it all, in the face of suffering n sorrow, we gotta stay strong, keep our chins up, even in pain, we gotta go ahead in life. Joon makes an interesting comparison b/w life n an airplane here as he raps+
"Even though we crash down, we gotta dance in the plane": when an aircraft is in the air, it needs to frequently change its altitude from time to time n air-space to air-space depending on air-traffic above n below- it performs a lot of descends n ascends (downs n ups), Joon+
Compares life to an aircraft: sometimes cruising peaceful n sometimes filled w ups n downs in its journey- life is a journey n similarly it is loaded w ups n downs yet sometimes life goes smooth. Perhaps the crashing of the plane is symbolic of life going down similar to sudden+
Plummet in the graph of life, implying the times when absolutely nothing goes in our favour n feels like the entire world n the stars have conspired against us cuz everything simply goes wrong n goes out of hands, he is telling us that days are these are bound to come around+
But even if the plane crashes, we gotta stay strong, strong enough to deal w the situation, as in, we gotta be by ourselves in such distressful n mournful times, be our own support, be strong enough for ourselves n cheer ourselves up, all the while reminding himself of how he+
Gotta do the same, as he too is a moonchild like us (as he uses "we"), always including himself in this narrative monologue. Joon knows he is right in saying, "we need the scenery of night more than anybody else"as in the night under the moonlight, w the moon was witness, we+
Confess n confide as the moonlight brings out our innermost self. To put the entire concept of suffering into simple words, major encounters with grief on repeated occurrence, reveals our true selves n vulnerabilities+
Those become life-changing chapters in our respective book. However, suffering in pain over a prolonged period of time only makes us conceal us from ourselves, our emotions, the intensity of it all becomes too much to confront, we tend to run away from our own thoughts n close+
Ourselves in a box, "apparently" protecting ourselves from our fears which, ironically enough, lie inside us, only to realize the suffocation later, that's when we finally give in, remove our masks n confront our emotions n thoughts, n they hit us mercilessly w+
Intensity that is actually too much to withstand, we encounter our true selves n fall apart by the blow of it, maybe get fragmented into pieces only to rejoin n develop further n we never do this in the daylight. It is quite marvelous how we are programmed to shed+
Our suits n masks at night, or perhaps its the moon hours which are more appealing n comforting to us that we choose to confess n confide then. Joon thoroughly understands how important the night scenery is for us, the familiar darkness n the "moonlight", those hours are when+
Only we can console ourselves, nobody else can do it for us, n its not just the moon hours, its applicable for life, none but we can fully feel our struggles or truly know what we are going thru, only we know our suffering hence only we can console ourselves. Joon incorporates a+
Wordplay here, the 1st tear clearly refers to teardrops, while the 2nd is 'tear apart', conveying that its okay to cry out of pain but he requests us to never subject ourselves to heavy pain that would tear us apart from within+
Joon proceeds to remind us of certain truths of our lives which we are v much aware of but afraid to admit: circumstances that leaves scars, its only true we can never truly leave them behind, the memories linger in our brains, trapped, n we revisit them, intentional or not+
When we wish to pass away, we give up on living, but life never gives up on us, it drags us around w itself, the speed makes it difficult for us to catch up w hence we strive to live, in the hard way. When we think of abandoning everything, we only proceed to take more on our+
Shoulders cuz the thought of abandoning everything indirectly awakens our sense of responsibility. When we think of not think about something, the thought in context lingers longer, kinda like a sing we wish we hadn't heard but we can't forget since we constantly think about+
Not thinking about it. When we strive harder to forget smth, it remains longer in the head, n all of this is our destiny, "smiling in endless pain", even in the face of challenges, we gotta smile thru it, n we do, we do it, we just don't notice it most of the times. We yell for+
"freedom" but why? Ofc if we had "freedom" in our lives we would not have to mention the word itself, after all why would we shout about a necessity we rightfully own, as Joon goes, "there is no "freedom" when you say "freedom" out loud, you know". Gentle reminder that this song+
Could be a narrative monologue: Joon confronting the many truths of life during related situations, n reminding us of the same. Joon talks about the literary concept of "moonlight", "in the moon hours, look at the night sky through the eyes of your soul, gonna show it to you,+
Your window, your time", as I stated earlier: the moonlight is symbolic of our innermost selves, thru the eyes of our soul, we gotta look out of your window into ourselves- gaining insight of ourselves, to know about our time of rise n shine, to know more about our inner desires+
Simply put, whats best for us, in life. By looking into our innermost selves, in the moon hours, we can gain a better insight on ourselves, how we can improve n what's best for us. Joon perhaps compares "streetlight" to the ones suffering who are younger than us. He puts forth a+
A request to never belittle anyone's pain n sufferings, even if they are younger than us or have problems in life seemingly lesser than us, to them it weighs in tons, so we mustnt judge, instead its always better to pay heed to the "blinking lights" for once, to get a better+
Look at the night view-the hour of the vulnerable self-the cruel darkness n gloom of one's life, which blatantly exposes one's "magnificent" thorns, scars, wounds n sorrow, n comfort them. Joon indirectly expresses that its okay to be vulnerable n expose your wounds, one might+
Feel comforted n consoled by that, knowing that they arent alone in their sufferings, Joon is reassuring us n himself that we are all fighting our collective battles individually, n he wishes for us to pass on the message by exposing our scars. "We are each other's nightscapes,+
Each other's moon", Joon wants to convey that the darkness is mutual on multiple ends n we are "each other's moon", but we are eachother lights, that he is illuminating ours, conveying that we are each other's source of light to absorb it from n glow, that we, moonchilds, are+
Each other's strength n support, our darkness is mutual, so we gotta support each other when self support doesn't suffice, until we eventually become strong, to be there for ourselves. He is comforting us moonchilds that we will rise n shine when the moon rises, that we+
moonchilds will shine in the fields we are supposed to which might be unexpected, that we will stand out from the crowd n shine in the most unexpected places in the most unexpected ways. Joon is reassuring us n himself of better times while reminding us of the truths of lives.💜
In conclusion, Joon comforts n consoles us while reminding us of the many truths of our lives which we wilfully ignore or don't admit, the hardships n struggles of life that everyone, regardless of age, is subjected to at some point, that should try n be kind towards everyone+
Cuz we never know what one's going too n to never belittle anyone's pain- if someone says the times are hard for them for so&so reason, don't ignore, rather listen to them, comfort then, console them, let them show their wounds, allow yourself to show yours to reassure them+
He reminds us that hardships are constant, n we gotta suffer to be glad, that's just an undeniable sad truth of life, but we gotta fight thru it all, n be there for each other n morally support. He assures of better days for which he must go on, n b hopeful. moonchilds, fighting!
Now that you've gained insight into the song, allow yourself to gain insight on yourself n give it a listen during moon hours today: https://open.spotify.com/track/5Zlo5ZYjrr6DwQw1kBi5bA?si=mGMGdICETpaZBbPLgMyQ5g
Here's the 'tokyo' thread! https://twitter.com/rkivelovelines/status/1312771359097982976?s=19
You can follow @rkivelovelines.
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