Despite all the conflict I've been involved in, all the situations I've witnessed, and tempted to organize all Nazbols, Apollonians, and other dissidents for a mass attack like we did in April, I sincerely feel bad for Raquel (Marlow) though I only have mixed feelings for her.
Because, she really didn't do anything to me after all and all she did was helping me get up to the person I am today. But I thought she was a fed trying to take my account and the group I've made down.

Fortunately, I don't think she's interested in arguing with me or...
Starting drama with me. So there's no point in fighting over someone who's not interested. It's like throwing a Molotov at a decaying carcass.
The main point of this thread is that it was unnecessary doing; or thinking stupid BS about her. And should've reconsider my own actions. Yet I already concluded this conflict or issue.
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