Unpopular Opinion: In the early days of the internet, there was Slashdot that created a pretty great way to moderate/rank comments. Today's platforms have very poor moderation, leading to disinformation.

We must increase Signal/Noise or we will drown in disinformation.
These platforms always have a problem of "crowd noise" -- there are those with specialized knowledge but constitute less than 50% of the population (e.g. doctors on Covid), and they have never had moderation capabilities proportional to their experience on any platform.
Thus wisdom gets drowned out by a much larger number of opinionated but uninformed people, again leading to disinformation.

How can we recreate the advanced moderation that Slashdot had in modern platforms like Twitter/Facebook, and also give the educated/informed extra powers?
It's very easy today for complete garbage to reach a mass audience, which hands power to those who create such garbage (often through being uninformed, not ill will). It's a lot easier to create 1000 total garbage tweets that no one reviews, and have that reach the vast majority.
This leads to the dominant information gathering mechanism being confirmation bias. Instead of being confronted with uncomfortable but true information, people isolate themselves in an echo chamber of things they already believe, without knowledge.
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