ICYMI, which you probably did because public calls didn't go out, after the Logan encampment residents were relocated on Tuesday night, people came through and slashed tents and destroyed everything and pissed on things before residents and mutual aid workers could come back.
MPRB told residents and mutual aid workers that they could come back yesterday morning and get everything, no problem, and that they would be sending a crew to help clean up and transport etc etc and that was all lies. They never sent help. Except bulldozers.
They have now effectively said that all of the permits for all of the encampments are null and void because of the weather, and it sounds like they're giving everyone a one-week timeline, with no plan in place to really get these folks into individual, dignified shelter.
Time and time again MPRB and the police and "outreach workers" have lied to residents and mutual aid workers. There is no consistency, there is no respect for the timelines they put in place months ago, and they created a false sense of security with this permitting process.
Folks in permitted encampments were wrongly assumed to be somehow safer or more protected than those in unpermitted encampments. Not by me, but by a ton of other people. They were propped up as better than the other encampments, by MPRB, because they followed the process.
How many times did everyone shit on Peavey for not following the proper process? MPRB used that as an excuse to take their hand washing stations away in a pandemic. Because they weren't official enough, and they were in the wrong spot.
Turns out that going through the hoops to get a permit and all that jazz, putting an encampment in a spot that MPRB found to be more palatable didn't offer any more protections. SURPRISE. They still went out there and destroyed an entire community after lying about helping.
Mutual aid workers faced harassment from housed people and MPRB goons when they went to look at the aftermath and tried to salvage a few last things this morning. If you are housed and you are near an encampment, maybe go make some friends.
Even if eviction defense is not your speed, clean up crews and transport are going to be needed more than ever in the coming week, and we can't have two mutual aid workers cleaning up an entire camp while bulldozers circle, like we did yesterday.
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