Watching the discourse on Black men, the tepid support of Trump and the vitriol for doing so. BM will still vote for Biden and Democrats at the highest clip other than BW 80% and 90%. Why is there so much hostility for that 10%? Why is there a demand for 100% fealty?
Why do y’all think democrats own the Black vote? Why would anyone assume Joe Biden of all people would and should get the Black vote? No one else running has done more direct harm to the Black community than Joe. Dems knew this and coordinated a win for him anyway. Their bad. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Getting 70-90% of a demographic is something no one else has. It’s still not enough? Honestly, what have dems done to deserve this type of loyalty and why are y’all antagonizing his largest group of supporters demanding more? Keep that energy for the one’s VOTING for Trump.
If anyone else had 80-90% of a demographic as a base, they’d be doing any and everything to maintain that and get other groups on board. Instead they’ve done the opposite. Dems have been actively working against the Black community for decades. Y’all deserve less tbh.
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