I think it's time for some straight talk about #xl8 and #1nt agencies and how their work matters but not in the way people might think. This is based on some recent experiences.
1) If the emails coming into my inbox are any indication, many (most?) agencies struggle with anything resembling good marketing. Literally every single request for a guest post I receive from an #xl8 or #1nt agency is poorly researched, bland, and full of jargon.
If this is any indication of what is presented to the outside world, we are all in serious trouble. I know there are excellent agencies out there. Please do send me your examples of great marketing!
2) There have been studies on how #interpreters talk about their work but we know little about how agencies talk about #xl8 and #1nt. My (admittedly limited) exploration in that domain shows some worrying trends.
Basically, the old, damaging conduit model (interpreters never add or omit, 100% accurate translations, etc) seems to predominate with very little on how interpreters and translators make a difference.
More than that, there seems to be a real trend towards advertising #1nt and #xl8 as commodoties with things like instant quotes (really?), fast turnaround, and ease, given priority over partnership, added value and impact.
Again, I am sure this isn't universal and I know enough agency owners to know that one will prove me wrong. Please, please prove me wrong on that one!
3) It is very rare to see an agency showcase the #translators and #interpreters they work with. (I know one exception that proves the rule). Showing your team would make translation and interpreting more visible and reassure clients.
4) Mostly, agency websites are pretty much identical, forcing buyers to distinguish between them in unhelpful terms. If agencies are mutually indistinguishable, low price will win out, which is no good to anyone.
None of this has to be permanent and, given the ongoing importance of agencies, the prevailing model really needs to be challenged. In fact, doing so would probably provide a competitive advantage and make the best agencies stand out.
So, if you own an agency, here's your chance to show that you are an exception to the trend. Reply to this thread with how you do it better. If you are in #1nt or #xl8 tell me if your experiences and impressions are the same as mine.
Agencies are vital part of the #xl8 and #1nt ecosystem. I would love to see practices improve. Everyone stands to benefit. Show us how you are different to the crowd.
You can follow @integlangsbiz.
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