Let’s just be honest here, @Twitter is demonstrably biased against anything conservative and/or Christian. They block, shadowban and outright censor anything that does not meet their predefined leftist narrative. This has been shown to be true time and time again. The truth 1/
is, @Jack is straight up lying and gaslighting Twitter users when he denies any leftist driven bias exists in this platform. They are proud leftists and he knows it. We’ve seen leftists share the most preposterous posts, articles and outright lies with zero repercussions, yet 2/
conservative and Christian accounts are regularly censored. Yes, censored. This is a private company, so, yes, they have the right to set whatever policies they choose. But when you weaponize those policies against one particular group never use them against your own tribe 3/
well, that is censorship. Twitter knows it is a global platform. They know that they can shape conversation and thought by what they allow to be seen on their platform. They are without a doubt seeking to shape it in a leftist direction. Now, the question becomes what do we 4/
do about it? Do we really want the government coming in to private industry and demanding “equal time” for conservative voices? Remember, that was the leftist mantra regarding public talk radio. They were screaming that right winger talk shows were controlling the airwaves and 5/
were demanding the FCC force stations to mandate “equal time” for leftist voices. We didn’t like that back then. So, we have a choice: we can either demand more government involvement (something that will bite us later); we can throw up our hands and let @Twitter censor us 6/
whenever it feels like it, controlling and gaslighting everyone; or we can use every possible platform in existence to get our messages out. Twitter will certainly seek to censor us, but they can’t get all of us. Keep tweeting, keep sharing, keep posting. Likewise, use all 7/
other available platforms out there: alternate social media such as Parler, MeWe, etc; YouTube; blog sites; podcasts; & RSS feeds. You don’t win the information war by forcing a company to bend to you whims. You take down their monopoly by using their competitors. This has 8/
been today’s two cents worth. We now return you to your normal programming. End/
You can follow @ChrisHohnholz.
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