The authors of “Zest – How to Squeeze the Max Out of Life” suggest “10 Kool Rules 4 Life” in dedication to the pop star Kool from the 1970s group Kool and the Gang. When they boil it all down, there are 10 things in life that are true.🍋 0/11
1. You will receive a body. Every person has a body. Your body is your vehicle for getting your mind
around in the world. Accept your body regardless of its flaws. Love it and take care of it 🍋 1/11
2. You will be presented with lessons. Life is a series of learning experiences. Mistakes are opportunities
to learn. Pay attention.🍋 2/11
3. Haters gonna hate. There will always be detractors in the world, but you don’t have to join them. You
can’t change or control other people; you can only change and control yourself. Choose kindness,
as often as you can. 🍋 3/11
4. Plot twists are coming whether you want them or not. Life isn’t fair, bad things happen to good people, and most of what goes on in the world is out of your control. Look at your life as a story & the unexpected as plot twists. Enjoy the ride. 🍋 4/11
5. Life is a sausage machine. You get out of life what you put into it, much like a sausage machine. Focus
your attention on the input so you can make good sausages. 🍋 5/11
6. You are the arrowhead of humanity. Those of us alive right now are the pinnacle of evolution, poised
to set the way for the future. Lead with zest. 🍋 6/11
7. Sh*t happens (but not as often as you might imagine). People tend to complain about all the things
that have gone wrong for them without acknowledging and being grateful for all the bad things
that haven’t happened to them. Be grateful and celebrate. 🍋 7/11
8. You’re condemned to forever live in a place called “now.” We live in the moment, whether we acknowledge that or not. No past, no future, just right now. 🍋 8/11
9. Good news is not news. Because we’re inundated with bad news on a daily, hourly, moment-to-moment basis, it’s easy to think there’s no good news in the world. There are many good things happening-you just have to look for them because they don’t naturally get attention🍋 9/11
10. You’ll forget all this at birth. It’s easy to forget even the most compelling information. It captures your attention and then fades away. Self-development depends on keeping these 10 rules top of mind. 🍋 10/11
Kool Rule 11 is a bonus: Get bothered. If you remember nothing else, remember to get bothered about
wasting your life on anything that doesn’t bring more positivity, fulfillment, and zest to it. 🍋 11/11
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