So my doctor diagnosed me with cluster headaches just a few days ago. My entire adult life has been plagued by mysterious, debilitating headaches that my previous doctors completely ignored. Yesterday my prescription for galvanezumab arrived. Everything is suddenly different.
The pain is almost gone and my body, that has been in nonstop pain of one kind or another for almost ten years has no idea how to process that. My mind keeps looking for the pain where it should be. It’s the opposite of relaxing.
I have to wait to see how this evolves, but for now I am engulfed in cautious optimism. This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever felt. I could not sleep last night, for I kept double checking on the pain, just to make sure it’s still not there.
My point with this thread is that I have forgotten what it’s like to live without constant pain. I think that’s something most people with chronic diseases forget as well. I am beyond grateful to find a bit of relief for it, and I wish to anyone who is hurting to find the same.
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