Because I see people hope and call for the next #Battlefield game to deliver teamwork and PTO on public servers again.

In 2011 this quote shocked many members of the Battlefield community who have been eagerly waiting for a worthy #BF2 (2005) successor after DICE focused on Bad Company since 2007 .

The prediction was then made that if EA/DICE stay on this new road announced with BF3 then:
- teamwork & PTO on public servers will get worse with every new release
- communities/clans will be starved to death and eventually die

That prediction obviously turned out to be true.

Since 2013 we were promised major "team work" initiatives.
DICE said they do not like what the online experience has turned into and the "next game will change that".

But none of that happened and the people I knew who pushed for change at DICE have left since then.

Based on the last 10 years, a teamwork and PTO focused BF is nothing but a pipe dream.

As much as it hurts - I expect more of what we have seen in recent years - including promises that won't be fulfilled and major changes after release when someone else "takes over".

That said, I still hope that they will prove me wrong, remove all the bloat they added during the last decade and provide a MP only game which has a clear vision and strong leadership pre- and post launch without any (marketing) drama/stunts.
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