A key point I picked up from @VitalikButerin's presentation was that there should be an ecosystem-wide push towards L2 to reduce Ethereum congestion. This starts at the top with wallets like @imTokenOfficial @ethstatus and @metamask_io plugging into L2’s to improve user adoption.
But before getting into that, it’s good to address how each scaling solution comes with its own trade-offs. E.g: while EVM compatible L2’s are better for smart contracts, @omgnetworkhq plasma is optimized for payments TODAY with its high throughput and low-cost transfer fees.
We are already working towards Ethereum’s goal of reducing rootchain load with a fast + cheap + secure network. @bitfinex integration is done, there’s 3 million @tether_usdt on the Network, and we’re also integrating with more exchanges to reduce the gas fees on Ethereum.
Also, there's not enough space here to correct errors about the OMG project made by @maticnetwork and @xdai in their charts/tweets. But we’ve got plenty of educational material for you to read at http://omg.network  and our documentation site. P.S. We’re (actually) trustless.
OMG Network is the best at simple payments and transfers, but going back to @VitalikButerin's point of improving UI/UX for L2 users -- one way to go about it is for L2 service providers to work together on standardized exchange wallet integration plug-ins.
We’d like to work with the plasma, zk, and optimistic rollup families to make this happen! Catch @kasima on the @golemproject L2 panel on October 20th to learn more.
You can follow @Vansa_OMG.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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