On the whole FGC/esports thing:

I don't believe the FGC wants to become esports. It wants to take what it can from it, learn, grow, ignore the bad. You know, like a healthy scene should. There's plenty to discard from esports, but perhaps those deeply ingrained can't see that.
Esports production is generally bland & sterile, heavily based off American sports production. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth of most of the world, & this goes ignored. The FGC isnt coming from a place where thats acceptable or a choice. Theres a lesson here for esports.
I have seen many FGC experts today saying they've never been hired or consulted when esports has tried to do FGC. Is there an assumption that wealth = "right"? Why ignore experts in a field? Why not see if their input might make some interesting possible changes for your field?
There is also nothing wrong in FGC elements going "we'd like access to the money for prod values, prizes and exposure, but losing things like open tournament format will kill us". Implying a false dichotomy between esports and FGC ultimately serves no one and narrows minds.
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