it’s never about the clothes it’s always about the mentality
by telling your daughter to cover up, you’re normalizing exactly what you’re trying to protect her from. you’re teaching her to adapt to abuse and mistreatment instead of condemning it.
it’s understandable to be wary and concerned. the reality is that these things happen. but that doesn’t mean that we are forced to accept it as inevitable.

begin small. teach your sons that anything but an explicit “yes” means no. call out friends for objectifying girls.
safety is not in layers of fabric. it never will be. cloth is just as easily torn as it is worn.

safety is in the intolerance of, not repeated excuses for, toxic machismo and dated patriarchal values.
because when you teach a girl that a shirt is worth more than her integrity, more valuable than her consent, more precious than her body — you’re teaching a boy that same thing.
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