🗻"MAHADEVA" ~ a Sanskrit word where ‘Maha’ translates to supreme or greatest and ‘Deva’ translates to God. Mahadeva is the ‘Destroyer’ in the Trimurti. #thursdayvibes 🍂🕉🌸!!🗻Har Har Mahadev🍂⌛!! #THREAD
2.Trimurti is the trinity of three supreme Gods which include Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma along with Mahadeva, who is also popularly known as Lord Shiva. Even though he is known as the ‘Destroyer’ he is also often said to be the one who creates, protects & transforms the universe
3.Also, there are around one thousand names for Mahadeva, each of which is mentioned in the ‘Shiva Sahasranama Stotram’. Some people believe Mahadeva to be ‘Swayambhu’ which means self-manifesting
4. No one created Mahadeva but Mahadeva himself, due to which he is often considered formless, limitless and infinite which also translates to the primal soul of the universe from which everything and everyone else is derived.
5.Mahadeva is known as ‘Adiyogi’ which translates to the first yogi. The Yogic culture believes Mahadeva to be the originator of Yoga, instead of a God.
6. It is believed in this culture that Mahadeva achieved enlightenment on the top of the Himalayas{Mt. Kailash 🗻}& he was the first human to achieve enlightenment. Seven people noticed the vibrant energy being radiated by this still and meditative figure.
7.These seven people were later known as ‘The Sapt Rishis’. They learned methods of meditation and methods to achieve enlightenment from Mahadeva. From this, I realised that meditation plays a very important role in one’s life.
8. It helps us to channelize our energy and achieve a state of thoughtlessness which can lead to increased focus and productivity in our day-to-day lives. Also, through meditation one can start walking on the path of enlightenment and spiritual knowledge.
🌸 {Article Source~Mahadev_devadidev}
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