
Indy Scotland. This is how it goes

Scotland becomes independent in a referendum. 62% to 38%

Even before the referendum property prices have fallen and the financial industry has started to relocate to England. Wealthier Scots with liquid assets have moved them to England

The emotion pull of Independence has proved too much for the unionists. The young vote for it in their droves. Nicola Sturgeon has said that Scotland will be a model for other societies. Welcoming, inclusive and outward looking

But clouds are on the horizon

The Tories

have stated time and time again that Scotland’s finances are in a perilous state but the SNP say it’s just propaganda

The SNP say that they will use the pound and no one can stop them

Within a few weeks of the vote, the reality bites. Since Scotland will become

Independent they attempt to raise money on the bond markets. Despite record low interest rates the rates Scotland needs to pay are at junk level. The risk of default is too great. Scotland has great difficulty raising cash. The Tories give Scotland a deadline. The Barnett

consequencials will stop in one month. All debt to the UK must be accepted. The UK will continue to run the benefits system until we can run our own system but Scotland must deposit money to cover them

The UK, suffering from the astronomical costs of the Covid pandemic are

in no mood to compromise. The Tory Gov gives a national press conference detailing the money Scotland has had from the UK over the last 23 years. It’s over £120 billion and it says ‘No More’

Scotland has now fully woken up to the decision it has made. Many people are facing

financial ruin. The lies that the SNP have peddled for years and years have now returned to bite them

There are clashes in the streets and the nationalists fight the disaffected record unemployed.........

The above isn’t some dystopian vision of an independent Scotland

It’s based on the UK and the Scottish Gov’s very own financial records

Scotland has been living well beyond its means for decades and sooner or later reality will dawn upon it
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