This (referring to Biden pic with a DQ Blizzard, upside down) is causing something to ferment in my mind. Biden knows loss. I bet you anything that DQ runs happened in those slow, halting days after the accident. Then, The faces of those already needlessly lost to COVID19.1/n
Tomorrow night is the new moon before All Hallows/Samhain. I’m an atheist steeped in both the Episcopal tradition and European folklore: part of furniture of my mind.

I am so fortunate: Nobody I have been close to has died. But people I am close to are in suffering 2/n
And because of the absolute abdication of leadership and responsibility, starting with POTUS, there will be more entirely preventable suffering and death. And it is not coincidental that wealth transfer has accelerated. 3/n.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, thankfully not directly affected by the fires. But time and again, as I regarded the soot-laden air, I tried to honor what it meant: some human lives lost, human and animal habitation lost... just loss, and also the promise of renewal 4/n
I started off this thread trying to explain something to myself: images and snatches of dialogue and poetry are bubbling up, crossing my mind, like slippery bits of soap, before I can grab them and chase them down. 5/n
All these images and snatches have to do with loss, and death. And maybe the season. 6/n.
When my beloved dad was dying (he had metastatic melanoma, back in 1991 not a long prognosis) I experienced something like emotional tinnitus. It was like cello chords. I can’t explain it any more than that. 7/n
So here we are, a day away from the new moon, a fortnight away from the day in the calendar when the shades or ghosts or whatever of the dead can press close to the living. 8/n
I don’t know. Is this a time when grief if disordered and debased?
All I know what to do now is to speak, and to do what I can see to do to make it to be to make it acceptable to grieve
And to move every lever in reach of my hand to make things different. Voting seems so small in the face of this tidal wave of grief, but if we all pull that lever, it’s enormous. 10/10
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