The Daily Mail UK is running the #Guiliani Jayne Zirkle story now, just posted aprox 30mins ago

They include the recommended link to the original NYPost type Biden disinfo story, thus completing a new level of seeded, fake news

This story also will be amplified, to hurt Biden
Jayne has done acting so she knows how to pull this Guiliani disinfo op against Biden off

Not talking about her horrific ‘rapping’ about loving Trump on her FB page, in that cringy viral style (watch if you want to🤮) but this acting role from 2014:
Also from 2014 is this condolence posting on a funeral website. Her mothers name is listed as Lori Saxon. She posed with Guiliani and Jayne on her FB page

Lori testified for #SCOTUS Clarence Thomas 🤔
and is the Admin for the Deplorables DC 
Lori Saxon was divorced from Todd D. Zirkle in 2011:

He is a lawyer and appears to be connected with serious Gov intel, has addresses linked to Quantico VA and Silver Springs MD

Jayne Saxon Zirkle is a DC operative swamp baby helping Giuliani hurt Biden
^ “Zirkle also had a role in the Help Foundation, a nonprofit funded by the District government and intended to help needy children.

It was headed by Mahdi M. Shabazz, who appears on Maryland’s sex offender registry and has multiple convictions and numerous arrests in DC...”
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