let me tell you about an interesting information warfare tactic. let's say you have committed some heinous crime, like a genocide, and are being called out for it. how do you deal with the accuser? 1/N
instead of simply denying your crimes, you play the uno reverse card - accuse the accuser! your thesis needs to be that your accuser is actually guilty of the very same crimes they're accusing you of.
you can distort the truth or lie outhright, fabricate evidence, bribe - everything goes, as long as you do it loudly. your lies may be easy to debunk, because the point is not to convince anyone at all, or even to gaslight your accuser.
the point is to pollute the information space around the problem to an unbearable degree, so as to make it as hard as possible for any third parties to uncover the truth. this idea seems dumb at first, but it's actually really effective.
it ensures that most people unfamiliar with the problem will simply go "oh well, just third world savages at each others' throats" or "why can't we all just get along".
you _want_ this both-side-ism, it gives you the opportunity to further bully your victim while others stand idly by and express their "deep concern". this tactic has been employed against armenians of artsakh for _decades_.
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