So, the Report no 44 of 2015 on Complaince Audit on Army Ordnance Factories has finally been pulled off line.

After I used the extracts to show the mirror to the OFB

@sanjaysinha18G @Jabalpursafety @Sootradhar

So @here_vipin finally OFB wised up & now in 'damage control' by pulling off the report? 🤣
@OFB_India probably cited "national interests" to get the report pulled off the net.

Lucky for them that I delete my tweets after sometime, else they would have been embarassed more 😊
Let me recollect few gems

1. 75% of 7.62 mm GPMG were accepted with 'deviations' i.e. rate of fire below 900 rounds per minute.
2. Barrels of tanks, artillery guns, accepted with deviations.
3. With 100% of payments to workforce, only 66% of annual production target reached.
So anyways, here it goes @sanjaysinha18G @Jabalpursafety @Sootradhar @kayjay34350

The target and achievement 😃
Some error in my thread posting.

So, the 'outstanding' achievement
Why the forces have to import stuff!!

Hint: It is not love for 'phoren maal' but the bungling of the domestic nincompoops
My favorite for today, tweet by @ankitdwivediofs

(To be fair, he is loyal to his organization)
Reply to @ankitdwivediofs and tagging @Sootradhar @sanjaysinha18G @Jabalpursafety

@ankitdwivediofs the u/m had absolutely "nothing" to do with the cost allocation per unit item ... nothing at all 🙄

(tagging @Sootradhar)

Relevant, no?
On #exports

Our OFB - actually second to none. I mean, decreasing trends???🙄
Now this is a gem!

It's like my having an orchard of mango tree - one will water it, another will fertlize it, other will put an insecticide, one would pluck the mangoes, other would put it in a bucket, one would carry the buket ... er ... you get the gist?
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