The soul.
A Piece of god
When we die we loose a few grams, each soul weights differently.
Animals have souls, but not like ours.
Let me Explain.
Animal evolution started millions of yeas ago.
The mother Gaia oversaw our cuddly allies evolutionary process.

This thread will also lead me to the bad guys further down.

The Pleadians arrived a VERY long time ago.
The Pleadian Star Mothers worked with Gaia to create us.
So here is how it works.

The Pleadians were just like us 100 million earth years ago.

They had darkness, war, and all sort of problems.
When you get the privilege of asking them where the bad things went, they will tell you "Extinct".

But lets go back to when they were "here".
The Pleadians were seeded by the Arcturions..
They likely had no idea, just like we did aswell.

The Pleadians went through their "Shift" just like we are about to.

The Pleadians ascended into the next level of existence.
The next level of existence is more of an "over there".
The universe is not linear.

So they went through their shift.

They discovered their "chakras" or "dimensions of being"

Each colour is a different dimension of perception.

In my pinned post I discuss as chakras being
Like Temples, houses, hang out spots.

If you live in your crutch, you tend to chase tail.

If you live in your heart you spread compassion.

Ect. This is the crux of understanding why human souls are different to animal souls.
Back to the story, The Pleadians were gifted their souls from the Arcturions, Just like we were gifted our souls from the Pleadians.

This means that our souls, are pure forms of creation, that have access to the divine realms.

Via the chakra system.
and so the Chain continues, Humanity being "The new kids on the block"

Now, no disrespect meant. but..

Picture the Arcturions as the IPhone6
The Pleadians as the IPhone7
And guess who is the IPhone 8?

Yes, this is the wheel of conscious development.
And one day..
Humans with the help of our galactic family will begin to seed our own race...

How ever this is a long way away.

The first thing that needs to happen is we unify with Gaia and each other using our superpower of Heart Coherence.
This will happen eventually, when every human begrudgingly accepts the universal truth.

And people are stubborn.

So stubborn, they build them selves a box.
They live within this box.
Proud they are, about their box.

But eventually the human will learn.. there is no box.
So now the Pleadians discovered there is no box.

They discovered The power of love.
God is the literal energy of love.
And love is light.. Literally.

And they worked out a truth that Jesus tried to share with the world.

Compassionate Action Unlocks your Akash.
What happened when The Pleadians began to act compassionately?

They began to realize most of them were Arcturion souls..
They began to realize why they were here
They began to realize that a High Vibration increase the power of your souls ability to manifest anything you want.
The Pleadians unified their consciousness, and moved up.
No more corporeal forms.. no more life and death...

Now most people are scared of the concept of unification..

But why?

Because we are afraid we will loose who we are?!?!
I know, I have been through this.
We all feel it.

But the truth is far more compassionate than you realize at first.

Imagine a work place with no boss.
Everyone knows what they need to do.
Everyone loves their job.
And everyone gets what their heart desires..
How can this be?
It sounds like dream land..

Well it's not..

This is Graduation of human consciousness.
We have been in the playground for 200,000 years.
Time to move up, if you let yourself.

However.. the "human side" of our divine selves, likes to put the brakes on..
The Ego.
The brains belief of who you are based upon past experience.

You need to trash this, and realize you are immortal.

Bear with me for this digressions, because it has a very profound point.
Picture a rope.
Someone has spliced all these different textiles into one long rope.
Nylon, silk, cotton, the list goes on.

Now lets say you tie a knot at the beginning of the rope, a simple slip knot.

Now imagine working the knot, along the rope...
You see the knot, being the same shape.
But as you work it along the rope..
You will notice the different textiles that pass through the knot.
First the knot started as nylon, then moved to silk, then changed to cotton.
Now I'd like you to imagine your soul is the Knot.
Your body/ego is the rope.

This is important in understanding the fluidity of life, so that you don't fear death.

As the fear of death itself, will halt your life.

Death is important, it gives the knot a new fresh material.
And so the wheel turns..

It's like a ripple in the ocean, the water particles barely move, but the ocean as a whole ripples with kinetic energy.

You are the energy.

Same when you look at a whirlpool.
A whirlpool is a configuration of energy, it is not a solid object.

So back to our initial topic, souls..

We inherited a 7 chakra soul from higher dimensional beings as an experiment to create the newest version of high tech being.
Lets just say the goal is to create the "golden Experience"

The meaning of life is "Experience"

They wanted to create a being that could have the most Magnificent Experience possible.

Enter Humans.. 22 different genetic experiments mixed into a Pleadian mother.
From the DNA of the most intelligent species on the planet.
Lets just call them "Cave man"

The work of Lloyd Pye reveals the jump from Homo Erectus to Homo Sapien Requires a minimum of 22 million years of evolution to evolve our throats to be able to speak as we do..

Well the reigning humans on the planet before us, only had 3 chakras.. just like the animals here on planet earth.
So. Animals only Have 3 Chakras.
Which means their 3 dimensions of being is.

What makes animals so special is Human interaction.
Since we are gifted with a complete God consciousness, our love and compassion will give an animal the ability to Reincarnate.
Now I love all the cultures of the world.
And I do not want to go against peoples beliefs, especially ones that are thousands of years old.

But animals all share the same kind of soul, be it an insect or a elephant.

They have a base level of consciousness.
What makes Us so special, is we can "project" our consciousness onto them, which creates a quantum tether.

This tether will mean, your pets will reincarnate.
They always do, often they wont be the same breed or species.

They will be something that you need to learn from
And at the same time, something that will be able to continue the love affair with the human.

They will often manifest with similar markings and similar bad habits, and you will know it them by looking into their eyes.

But if you loose a pet, have the intention of finding them.
They will Reappear, you just need to trust the universe to reunite you both.

Because when an animal feels love from a human, it is the most powerful thing they will ever experience.

What about trees?

They all come under the category of Gaia consciousness
Within the Akash of all of us, is the ability to interface with Gaia, some forget how, others it comes naturally.

We have a term for this "Green thumb"

These are people who a naturally Intune with Gaia.
They will often live longer and have better health.
A plant knows a person that is likely to hurt it, plants feel energy, plants feel love.

Love makes them grow faster.

Each individual plant does not have a soul of Gaia, but they network, to create the grid of Life.
Now it's time to talk about the bad guys.
And why they are here, what their purpose is.

Picture the peak of evolution, with 3 chakras.

A race of beings that never developed the ability to love.

That can only ever progress as high as this reality.

The ultimate hell.
Living for thousands of years, in a state of forcing control and power onto each other.

In fear they will be killed by another that seeks power..
Think medieval times with crazed kings and leaders grasping for power with every tooth and nail they have.

Enter the reptilians.
So I've talked about god within beings, and you have kept reading this thread.

So now lets talk about the evolution of the snake.

The mammal uses the influential field of love to keep safe.
Ever noticed how Guinea Pigs cuddle, they use the power of love.
Not because they have a heart chakra, but because it keeps them safe.

So again picture being a Lizard human, peak of evolution, 100 million years wondering space, starting from the same narrative we have on this planet.

Having the intellect to create anti gravity..
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