So apparently it's ocd awareness week and I just wanna say stupid jokes like "my intrusive thoughts are jump in puddle. Pet the frog" because you're seriously downplaying the seriousness of intrusive thoughts and just how horrible they can be
I'm not gonna list what they can be, I'd have to dedicate 2 whole tweets of this thread to just content warnings but it's bad. In my personal experience intrusive thoughts have made me keep relationships harder as some thoughts can make me think in a different way about
the individual or make me distance myself because I keep remembering the disgusting intrusive thought I had. With my own ocd also comes trichotillomania and dermatillonania and they make life living hell for me
I get an intrusive thought -> I stress out -> I pull my hair and pick my skin -> I am not doing what I'm supposed to do (I'm extremely busy and have to do work)(puts even more stress on me) -> more pulling and picking and it repeats...
I am begging people to stop using it to mean organized or clean. I am neither of those things. Many others aren't either. They CAN be symptoms for some ppl with ocd (obsessive cleanliness and a need for perfect order) but that's not for all.
Don't EVER use mental illnesses/disorders as a hyperbole. If you're sad about something that doesn't automatically mean you're depressed. Wanting/liking to he organized is not being OCD (it's not an adjective). The list goes on.
My head hurts and I wanted to rant anyway that's it......damn
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