Ranking every mask that MF DOOM has used (a thread)
9. The Blindfold

This just looks like he forgot his regular mask. This also looks very dangerous to perform in. Easily last place
8. The Red Ruby

Very rare mask but this one always just felt a little off to me. Props for matching his cardigan tho
7. The Blue Gem

This one is just like his classic mask except the blue jewel is too small and makes him look slightly less villainous
6. The OG Mask

One of the first incarnations of the mask. This thing looks dope as hell but looks like it was made from aluminum
5. Ski Mask

Before the metal mask he was rocking the ski mask. This might be used by a lot of common crooks but he makes it fit for a super villain
4. The Black Mask

Another rare one... I wish he’d bring this back because it doesn’t get any more villainous than this
3. Mr. Sinister

So classic. The red♦️on his forehead makes him look like a classy bitch but the horn tells you he don’t take no shit from anyone
2. The Gold Crown

This one makes him look like royalty. A mask made of gold for the coolest motherfucker in the game just makes sense
1. The Classic

This one is perfect. It’s the most simple one but also the one that feels like it says the most. This is the face of the villain MF DOOM
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