👉🏿Let’s talk thru this concept of how mayoral controlled #CPS has systematically underserved our most vulnerable students for years. Further, what assurances do we hv that they will meet the needs of our most vulnerable students in the middle of a pandemic? Their word?👇🏿 #COVID19
👉🏿 #CPS is paying millions of dollars in a settlement to remedy their illegal practices. Also, #CPS is still under state monitor for this behavior. 👇🏿
👉🏿If we want to keep it 💯#CPS hasn’t even returned to the *necessary* level of service to meet the needs of our students during in-person learning. And, it’s even worse now bc we need MORE resources in a *pandemic* NOT less.👇🏿
👉🏿 I remember contract demands that went unmet and triggered a strike & this was AFTER the SpEd case settled. We demanded dedicated case managers/reasonable workloads & stronger, enforceable protections for students to prevent #CPS from *once again* denying them services. 👇🏿
👉🏿 #HomelessStudents are vulnerable students. Remember our contract demands last October: housing for homeless students and their families & rent control support?👇🏿 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.essence.com/amp/news/chicago-teachers-strike-lightfoot-affordable-housing
👉🏿 #MLL said: “Once this contract is resolved, our Dept of Housing will continue to work closely w/ stakeholders — including unions like the CTU — to ensure everyone in all of our communities has access to a safe, affordable, accessible place to live.” How ‘bout now, #MLL? 🤷🏾‍♀️👇🏿
👉🏿Right now, we have an elementary school on the west side w/ the highest # of ID homeless students in the district & it isn’t clear to us that their liaisons hv the authority to even wrk w/ our homeless students.👇🏿
👉🏿 Our Bilingual students aren’t receiving the support they deserve based on #CPS own metrics: “In the last 2 yrs, 80% of schools fell significantly short in serving #ELL students w/ disabilities—-👇🏿
👉🏿On a non- #COVID19 day, #MLL & #CPS fail to offer our #ELL students what they need. Now in the middle of a pandemic where Latinx zip codes hv the some of the highest infection rates in the city, the safest thing #CPS can do is bring them back to offer_____? #SMH👇🏿
👉🏿Citywide positivity at 4.4% ⬆️ from last wk. 399 rolling 7 day average. 21 schools w/ #COVID19 cases in October. 20.3% positivity among Latinx Chicagoans for the last 2 weeks. 8.6% Black. 9.1% for ppl 17 years old and younger tested in last 2 weeks👇🏿
👉🏿 BTW, Shouldn’t a nurse be the bare minimum requiremt for a #safereopening? At the *end* of our CBA we’ll hv nurses in every school. Seems like they should speed this one up? #COVID19
👉🏿Wat does #SafeReopening mean to #MLL and #CPS? All summer our students spent time explaining their need to hv safe schools w/o cops. All fall we hv spent time explaining our need to hv safe schools w/ ventilation, filtration, #PPE, cleaning, face coverings, etc. #COVID19 👇🏿
👉🏿 Much like our students we hv been ignored & dismissed. I’m guessing this is how #MLL & #CPS get down. 👇🏿
👉🏿Early childhood students require appropriate remote learning schedules & age based accommodations. #remotelearning 👇🏿
👉🏿This isn’t a new thing. In fact, we had to bargain to win nap time for them last October. This concept that the mayor or her #CPS team can figure out how to do in-person school w/o us is laughable but trying to do so during a pandemic is absolutely ridiculous. 👇🏿
👉🏿 399 is the *current* 7-day avg & is 2x the 200 7-day avg #MLL & her team ID as criteria for safe in-person learning in Aug. So much for indoor bars and dining?
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