The rhetorical space between white leftists saying "class first, class only" and Trump overturning popular-but-Obama-era legislation has been shrinking since 2016 but the white supremacy on the left is a new level of explicit right now
I had a bunch of white leftists in my mentions the last time I was on and some of them have tweeted about how adding "white" to a marginalized descriptor is just a hack to avoid appearing anti- whatever marginalized group (like "it's not homophobic because I said white gays")
That's not just a misunderstanding, that's a narrative, which implies that it's not just one person or a small group of people, it's likely a widespread if unspoken belief
And yeah, maybe some folks do that, disingenuously. White men going after white women under the guise of racial justice and ending up just standard fare misogyny is an example. Men of color do it too obviously
But that's not the rule, and it certainly isn't a good reason to discontinue talking about multiple marginalizations, the way white leftists apparently want to, when they say "class ONLY" instead of acknowledging that both exist
"Obama is rich and therefore killed children with drone strikes" doesn't make sense on its face, so the idea is that his class is what allowed him to get votes despite being Black, but that's not supportable as a main factor, even if you believe it's true
Epistemologically that's an unknown unknown, so it's dangerous and irresponsible to do something as serious as deny the effect of race on unjust situations because of it
Anyway, the point is that white leftists saw Black leftists criticizing Obama from an anti-hegemonic perspective and decided to reshape that line of thought into something purely or mostly representational, largely using their total misunderstanding of "identity politics"
And then started saying the word "liberal" as an insult, like they saw Black scholars, who know what they're talking about, doing. Increasingly it's being deployed more like the leftist version of the n-word, though, including higher relative usage when describing Black folks
This isn't fish hook or horseshoe theory, this is just, we saw how the Black revolutionaries we respect call Obama "liberal" as an apparently all-purpose way to put someone down who's evil but not Republican evil, and that mixed in with existing white/self preference
It's good, it's great for you if you're non-Black and so open-minded that you'll even hate Black folks that others seem to love. Sounds like racism-excusing edgelord shit to me though, when it's then used as a fulcrum to treat Black people as if they don't understand politics
The position that goes "you're only saying white to get away with other bigotry" is only a very slightly modified version of what the gop does when they deny the existence of racism at all. The delivery is different enough, but the outcomes end up very very similar
And as a poc you can't talk to white leftists like this, because they discount our perspective while in total denial about how racist they're actually behaving. So it's not that I'm Asian, it's that I'm stupid. Or a liberal. End result is poc perspectives inherently discounted
Which is the exact same thing we're trying to fight from the right, so congratulations? Your racism waves a different flag, cool, it just doesn't do anything for us besides remind us that there isn't a safe place anywhere on the political spectrum
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