I was talking to one of my OG’s the other night and I think this could really help my bothers who are trying to figure things out right now.

He said:

“Don, there’s not a single man born into manhood. He has to grow into his manhood. And there’s no time limit to the process.”
It made so much sense. Some men had fathers who walked them into manhood. Others like myself had mother’s who did their best to assist and guide you in the right direction of manhood. And then you have OG’s who can be mentors to the younger generation of men.
And I can transparently say that I didn’t walk into my manhood until last year. It has nothing to do with money, material possessions, kids or etc. It has to do with the level of confidence you have in yourself to become the head and lead your family.
I’ll end it off by encouraging all my brothers reading this to truly STUDY some of the great men out here who possess the qualities of character, morals, integrity, discipline and leadership. Notice I didn’t say money. Men makes money. Money doesn’t make men 🙏🏽💯
Trust me bro. The 👉🏾🐱👈🏾 you’re chasing ain’t going anywhere and it’s probably not worth your 30 minutes. Read a book. Study some of the greats. Detox from social media. Learn a trade. Remain disciplined. Have fun in a controlled environment. You’ll get there soon enough!
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