Are you still thinking about @nerdearla but need a document in english explaining which talks ARE in english, the time-zones and how to register to the event? Well, now you have this beautiful (...) PDF explaining all that!
Not sold yet? Some of the talks:
"A Guide to Event-driven #SRE -inspired #DevOps" by Andreas Grabner.
" #FreeBSD: Code, Community and Collaboration" by Deb Goodkin.
Somebody said logs? "Centralized Logging Patterns" by Emanuil Tolev. (I don't know what could be a hashtag here... That's why we are not "influencers")
What do Javascript and pooping have in common? "An Introduction To #IoT (Internet of Toilets 🚽); Or How I Built an IoT Kitty Litter Box Using #JavaScript" by Joe Karlsson (Does this counts as @internetofshit ?)
" #Software #development practices for companies that want to make an impact" by Yuval Pemper.
"Defensive Programming at #cURL" by Daniel Stenberg. Let me write that in all caps: BY DANIEL STENBERG!!!! I mean, 90% of my work is running the curl command against some url!!!! It should be clear by now that @nerdearla 2020 is going to be amazing!!!
" #PostgreSQL: Joining Heterogeneous #Databases is a reality, not a Myth" by Ibrar Ahmed.

What do you think? It's PostgreSQL underrated?
"Making #VR More Interesting With #React and #Brain.js" by Milecia McGregor.
"Trust, but Verify: Maintaining Democracy In Spite of Информационные контрмеры" by Allie Mellen.

#HugOps for our followers working for democracy.
" #Unix: History and Memoir" by Brian #Kernighan. If you are a developer, you should listen to Brian Kernighan, if you work wih *nix systems, you should listen to Brian Kernighan, if you are Canadian, you should listen to Brian Kernighan. Basically, you should listen to Kernighan.
Look at this pose of Brian Kernighan, he was cool before cool became a thing!
BTW, the original video: "AT&T Archives: The UNIX Operating System" -
"Balancing fast-paced #innovation and #technical #debt" by By Allan Leinwand.

Oh... I need to attend at this talk and take a lot of notes... (I'm not saying that I have legacy code, but I can't deny it...)
"Living organisms can't survive in their own waste products" by Alan Kay. ... ... BY ALAN KAY!!!!

I wonder how he came up with the title... Any theories?
"How To Get On This Stage (And What To Do When You Get There)" by Mark Smith.

I have seen a lot of people with great knowledge but with fear on how to share it in public, that talk seems super interesting.
And lastly for now: "Free and Open Source Software and Hardware for Your Career" by Jon «maddog» Hall. If he can't make you attend to @nerdearla , I don't know who can...
He literally makes videos about that...
And of course he has flown to Argentina. and done presentations at @nerdearla , it's not just an "online endorsement":
Long story short, if this sounds like your kind of gig, we can't wait to meet you! And if you still have some doubts, its free, why not give it a chance? There is a big an awesome community organizing this at @sysarmy .
More info:
You can follow @canadasysarmy.
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