The idea of 'the West' has undoubtedly been the invention most harmful to White people of the last 1000 years. It creates a false division between West and East Europe (obscuring European origins and fundamental unity) and replaces Whiteness with a weak propositional identity.
What is "Western"? It's an identity built around a geographic area. More broadly, Westernness is understood as "Western values," "Western culture," etc. So anyone can be Western. There is no such thing as "Western blood," for instance.
This was demonstrated by the project of colonialism, whose aim was essentially to 'turn the whole world Western.' And it is again demonstrated today through mass migration and the transactional approach to identity purveyed throughout White countries.
Westernness is an identity understood beyond the people who comprise it. When European civilization is conceptualized 'beyond whiteness' on an ideological level, the door is immediately opened to moving 'beyond whites' on a physical level.
The racial character of 'the West' is not White but post-White. And just as post-Christianity tends to be extremely hostile toward actual Christianity, post-Whiteness tends to be extremely hostile toward actual Whiteness.
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