🇨🇦 Getting needed changes to #BillC6 on conversion therapy is going to require an unlikely alliance. The only elected officials who are willing to criticize the bill are members of the social conservative wing of the Conservative party. They are a minority and need allies. /2
The potential allies are a diverse group I will loosely describe as "gender critical" whose main concern is the treatment of gender identity. This group includes doctors, psychologists, feminists, parents of dysphoric kids and de-transitioners. Many are LGB or LGB supporters. /3
In order to make this alliance work, both sides need to accept some hard facts. The social conservatives need to accept that therapy cannot change sexual orientation. Many gays and lesbians have suffered serious abuse at the hands of conservative religious leaders. /4
The LGB community is going to have to accept that criminal prosecution cannot change religious belief. The current language of #billc6 goes too far in restricting the ability of parents and religious leaders to promote and teach their deeply held beliefs about sexual behavior. /5
It should not be hard to satisfy reasonable people on both sides. The bill should be amended to make it clear that it does not restrict religious teaching about acceptable sexual behavior or practices intended to repress sexual behavior which is harmful or unlawful. /6
Once over that hurdle we can unite around the issue of conversion therapy for gender identity. Critics of the bill agree that the current wording will restrict the ability of mental health professionals to apply an evidence based approach to treatment of gender dysphoria and /7
will lead to unnecessary and damaging medical transitions. Even on this issue there are differences of opinion. Many of the clinicians and researchers who are critical of the bill do believe that gender transition of young people is appropriate in some cases. In order to rely /8
on their scientific opinions, you need to treat with respect everything they say. This is going to be a tough fight. The gender identity extremists will play the divide and rule card every chance they get. Whatever the outcome, it is encouraging to see, in the current toxic /9
political climate, that it is possible for people of widely differing views to work together to promote that health and well being of our children.
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