
The bombshell @nypost story about Joe & Hunter Biden has caused some bluechecks to suddenly worry about pushing a story that may not be true.

Where was that sentiment during the Russian collusion hoax?

Your latest class of the Hypocrisy Hall of Fame. #HypocrisyHOF
Perhaps the richest about-face comes from @jonathanchait. The same guy who suggested, with a straight face, that Trump has been a Russian asset since the 1980s & endlessly pushed the Steele dossier is worried that the Post’s story is a Russian hack. True #HypocrisyHOF material.
Right behind him in lack of self awareness is @kylegriffin1.

He didn’t want anyone sharing the link to the Post story, but he was happy to share @RepAdamSchiff’s conspiracy about Russian collusion even post-Mueller report.
And that wasn’t all for @kylegriffin1. He was fine to trust Michael Avenatti (remember him?) about allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. (Link included in the post, mind you).

But the Post story? Forget it.
It shouldn’t surprise you to see the committed Russia truther and former Harry Reid (an expert in avoiding the truth, if there ever were one) staffer @AJentleson on here.

Promoting the Post story? Russian propaganda helper.

Love letters to the Steele dossier? Committed patriot.
And it wasn’t just the Steele dossier as a whole.

Remember the infamous “pee tape” allegation? Well, that Russian propaganda was good enough for @JuddLegum.

But the Post story is a five alarm fire. #HypocrisyHOF
Speaking of those who bought the pee tape allegations but treat the Post story like its Voldemort, here’s @KevinMKruse.

Also, does this count as “mansplaining” or is that only if a Republican rebukes a woman? Asking for a friend.
Last but certainly far from least is @danielsgoldman, who managed to reference both the pee tape and the Cohen tape in the same tweet.

Perhaps you “should’ve done more diligence” before “peddling” that story, Daniel?
It’s a pleasant thought to hope that, all of a sudden, the scales have fallen from these gentlemen’s eyes and they realize that we should all be more dubious of reporting.

But it seems more likely that, for once, the dubious allegations have hurt their team, so they’re upset.
Also congrats to @JRubinBlogger for her first non-entry in a Hypocrisy Hall of Fame thread.
Honorable mention goes to @neeratanden, whose impulse to censor her political opponents I find zero percent surprising.
OF COURSE @brhodes waited until after the threading hour to post this awful bad take.
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