here some nice ass tea đŸ” get ur popcorn 😍
// a nice thread about an immature high school girl who tried to come after me😐🖕 (I will have picture examples in the thread)
it all started when i was in my psat testing room, because I was taking a test, and obviously I was done taking my test. and I grabbed my phone to text my friends on snapchat yk. and I noticed this girl who originally confronted me in person added me. BUT BY SEARCH scary...
she continues to ramble on and asking if I have a problem with her, and obviously, I don't. cause I don't have time for middle school shit lmao, grow up.. and she kept asking if I was talking shit and assumed I was lawl. it's cause I used to talk to her bf.... and cause we never-
dated cause it ended bad LMAO... anyways... she brought up how I couldn't get her "mans" when obviously I mean last year I did cause he was actually cool and nice, but not anymore lmao... so that was unnecessary, and then she blocked me.. and i quote she told me-
"this is me blocking you" like bro? do I look like I care... people block me everyday LMAO anyway's this concludes it.. unless something happens tomorrow then i will update ! my friends got my back, cause if she tries something and triggers me, i really hate for something to-
happen lol.. here are some of my friend's responses to this happening to me after my PSAT TESTING.. literally don't need anymore stress..

FRIEND A; "She can’t handle the fact that *insert male species name* liked you more than he does rn"
FRIEND B; "I can literally fight her"
this concludes my thread. thank u for this little drama insight into my life. I will talk about this to my therapist. 😍
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