Packing the courts looks like the only viable option for Dems going forward once ACB gets confirmed. Their options are 1. Sit and allow the Supreme Court to rule against every law the Dem controlled legislature may pass.....
Also they would have to just sit and watch the Supreme Court outlaw abortion, birth control, etc.

Their second option 2. Pack the courts, Supreme and Federal, with as many justices as possible, rules be damned. Republicans (who have essentially been doing this for years) would..
Act with faux outage at all the "norms" being ignored, and they obviously would try to do the same once they eventually take back the senate. This 2nd option opens the door to alot of conflict and uncertainty, but the first option will absolutely lead to the end of civil rights.
The only hope for Democrats upholding vital court rulings and their legislative accomplishments regarding LGBTQA+, Women's Rights, Environmental Issues, Healthcare, Racial Issues, etc. is to pack the courts, and pack them quickly and fill every spot as quickly as possible B4 2022
Dems can't afford to sit on their asses about this. McConnell is ruthless and evil, but he's "successful" as the Senate Majority Leader because he's not afraid of doing whatever is necessary to brute force conservative policy in the legislature and judiciary.
Toothlessness from the Dem. Legislature and Oval office in the next 2-4 years will be crucial for the survival of our Democracy and the welfare of our citizens. Accept political ruthlessness or accept Republican and conservative dominion over all our lives forever.
/End thread
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