For those of you who have a go about me wanting restrictions lifted because you are concerned about this virus. How come you don’t mind risking the lives of teachers, shop workers, delivery drivers, cabbies, children, amazon staff etc? Are they exempt from Covid currently?
It seems it’s a terrifying illness with deadly potential when it suits...but not when you need your amazon delivery. Right now kids are killing themselves, the high street is dying, the future is at risk on every level, and more restrictions are being introduced
Even if i had fear...I would always think about the bigger picture...that’s why I find the pro-lockdown community a challenge to empathise with, you expect my concern and devotion..yet you care little about the impact on my children?
I am so afraid for so many. I grew up working class, I had little, but my father taught me that people mattered and that the right way isn’t always the easy way. I am financially ok right now...but still I scream about those who are not. That’s why I know I’m right
There is no benefit to my career for speaking out about this injustice to my fellow human, but there is benefit to my integrity and my authenticity as a person. My dad was right...the right way is often not the easy way...but it’s still the right way nonetheless
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