He has two goals - to suppress the Black male vote to not vote and get Tr*mp the 15% to 18% of the Black male vote. https://twitter.com/icecube/status/1316483389663244288
His audience are hotep BM who are threatened by the political & financial power of Black women and the Black LGBTQ community. Black women are the highest educated demographic group and are starting businesses.
The social and power of Black LGBTQ community upsets norms that centered "straightness" and mimic white male patriarchy that they yearn for. These Black men feel left behind, ignored, and disrespected and like white men -
They admire Trump for verbally abusing women, harassing women, assaulting women, and getting away with it. These Black male voters don't want a seat at the table - they want the chair, the table, the dishes, and the food that they expect BW serve them right next to white men.
You can follow @LaFemme_Negrita.
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