The Lincoln Project raiding that much money and pocketing the majority of it is what happens when boomer liberals see Facebook posts and think they’re now educated
Had one of my old teachers comment on an fb post where I was arguing with conservatives after RBG Died (RIP) and she said “what are you going to DO to change things? Complaining isn’t enough. My generation is looking to your generation to see what you will do in this moment”
Actually I’m just gonna screenshot this shit cuz it’s honestly too good
My former teacher is an incredibly kind and generous woman, and I respect her greatly. But she, like most boomers, thinks she’s far more informed than she is. I’d like to unpack her response a bit
“Griping on social media, IMHO, accomplishes nothing as it appears here. You aren’t changing minds”

a) ‘griping’ on social media makes me feel better because I get to vent. It doesn’t need to accomplish anything else to be worthwhile
b) nothing is changing minds. There are no undecided voters anymore. no one tuning into the debates thinking ‘idk they both make good points’

c) it is not my responsibility to change any minds, be it on social media or in person, with people who aren’t willing to be vulnerable
c, continued) there is great value in having meaningful discourse with people who are willing to admit fault, be vulnerable, and want to become better humans and Americans. There’s no aim for meaningful discourse in a FB thread where the only ppl commenting are there to argue
“Brett, you are the generation that MY generation now looks to. So, my question is, what is one action you can take, today, that will steer things in a direction you see as better?”
(This is probably my favorite part of either of her comments)
a) your generation can literally go fuck itself. I don’t believe any white person over the age of 40 should be allowed to vote. Fuck you
b) your generation got us here. You bent over backwards to accommodate white supremacy & classism & thought you were progressive cuz your parents finally said black people can vote. You destroyed the economy, voted for fascists and pushed the environment past the breaking point
b continued) you allowed student debt and education costs to spiral out of control, you voted for law & order candidates for 3 decades and you ruined any opportunity for MY generation to purchase land, find meaningful work that doesn’t destroy your soul, or retire before age 70
c) no generation owes a goddamn thing to the generations that came before. We owe everything to the ones that will come after. Your generation is the most useless, soul sucking and shortsighted generation in our countries history. You’ve built nothing, you’ve achieved nothing
Finally, let’s get into the “action” bullshit
“What’s one action you can take today to make a difference”

First of all, fuck you for thinking I need to explain what I’m doing beyond a Facebook post. You don’t deserve an explanation of all the ways I’m involved in issues that matter to me
(For the record, I sent a DM explaining what I do and how I’m involved cuz I do respect her as a person)
On the topic of action, however, I don’t believe there could be a more perfect response from her:

“Me? I put money on Amy McGrath today because that was the one thing I could do to honor RBG...cobtributing to the demise of Mitch McConnell's political position.”
There could not be a better example of performative action that achieves nothing. I bet most of us saw the memes circulating the day of RBGs death, urging folks to donate to McGrath to beat McConnel. Well, as shown in the links above, that is not going to happen
Is there any harm in donating to McGrath? No not really. But there were and are several progressive challengers with real shots to unseat republicans (I included those in my DM to her). This is exactly my point - boomers believing bullshit
Q Anon idiots are the same as Liberal boomers who think they’re making a difference by donating to a losing campaign. You’re believing dumb shit you saw on your timeline while scrolling Facebook with nothing better to do.
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