Gore videos should be just as illegal and inaccessible as child porn
Why is child porn illegal and hard to find but videos of families getting their throats slit or killed in a million different ways can easily be found online? Especially when that's so much more horrible than CP https://twitter.com/booksididnt/status/1311698115578261505
There's literally no argument as to why CP isn't okay but hard gore is unless you're into some serious mental gymnastics
If it's been like this for years it has to be because a lot of people disagree with this otherwise they would've done something about that kind of content
I don't think all gore should be banned, it depends on how gruesome it is
Not that it personally bothers me, I've experienced my fair share of gore, I just feel like there's double standards when it comes to gore and CP since gore can be a lot more disturbing yet still allowed
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